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New Release!


Now Available!

Make The Move From Older to Elder.


A faith formation guide for becoming the kind of elders our families, communities, and world so desperately need!

We know every stage of life holds immense value and purpose and yet aging, in our culture, is all too often thought of as a road to decline and loss of value and purpose.


But we have a choice! We can follow the culture and simply grow older, or we can follow our hearts and intentionally step into the role of elders. 


Born from a combination of lived experience, knowledge, and the lessons learned through adversity author Gary Alan Shockley helps readers unlock their potential for personal and spiritual growth through what could be the very best season of our lives.

Bulk Orders of 10 copies or more are available and require four weeks to print and ship. Discounts for large quantity orders may also be available from the author.


Contact us for pricing!


Endorsements for  Eldering - the Art of Graceful Aging

Eldering: The Art of Graceful Aging should be on the bedside table of every person 50 years old or older. Author Gary Shockley draws upon his experiences as a pastor and chaplain, and as an aging Boomer himself to weave a personal narrative that will resonate deeply with readers. Buckle up because he will likely challenge your perspectives and prompt you to consider hard things about mortality. However, by the time you read the last chapter, you will have discovered the reward of shifting your thinking from aging to eldering. 

Missy Buchanan

Author of eleven books on faithful aging for Upper Room Books including  Feeling Your Way Through Grief (2024)



Eldering addresses one of the most pressing needs in spiritual formation today: helping people of faith transition from simply growing older to becoming true elders. Through ten essential graces, this wonderful book offers those over 50 a transformative pathway for deepening their spiritual lives and embracing their calling as wisdom-keepers and sacred guides. Drawing from his extensive experience as a chaplain, spiritual director, and pastor, the author illuminates how spiritual practices, contemplative wisdom, and engagement with creation can transform the latter seasons of life into a time of profound flowering of mind, spirit, and body. This isn't a book about aging gracefully – it's a faith formation manual for becoming the kind of elder our communities and world desperately need. Rich with practical guidance, soul-searing questions, and wisdom from various faith traditions, 'Eldering' guides anyone seeking to move beyond merely aging to becoming a true elder in The Way and ways of life, this gem of a book is an essential guide.


Dr. Leonard Sweet 

Best-selling Author, Professor, Preacher



Gary Shockey has given us lots to ponder here, moving beyond platitude into practical and specific practices which can enrich us in our elder years.  A lot of congregations are disproportionately older people these days - and sometimes, they tell themselves that they are “over the hill,” or “too old to do powerful things.”  We are never too old for the latter, but the sort of powerful things that older persons can do are just different from what we did in our 30s.  If you are seeking to discover a fresh sense of call and purpose in your older years or wish to lead your church to do so, I commend to you Eldering: The Art of Graceful Aging.


Dr. Paul Nixon

Best-Selling Author, Coach. CEO Epicenter Group 



Gary’s work here is so helpful.  There just aren’t that many resources for this vitally important (and growing) demographic of the US population and Mainline Christian Church.  Gary’s book is full of great anecdotal stories that beautifully illustrate his points, it’s easy to read, and he includes great topics for contemplation as well as discussion questions after each chapter. It’s very Wesleyan, too!  I look forward to sharing it with my congregation.


Jane Voigts

Comedian, Writer, Pastor 

The United Methodist Church of Palm Springs


With grace, insight, and loving care, Gary Shockley invites us to consider the hope and possibilities of what growing older might be.  In Eldering, Gary takes us on a journey to discover that growing older with purpose breeds joy and a renewed vitality for life.  Eldering will fill your soul with the sweetness of what an older life is meant to be.


Thomas J. Bickerton

Resident Bishop 

New England & New York Annual Conferences

The United Methodist Church



True to the artist that he is, Gary paints a colorful roadmap, using anecdotes, personal reflection, sacred texts and spiritual practices, all blended together on life’s canvas for us to learn about, appreciate and embrace our spiritual journey and personal growth as we age.  A gem of a book, his message inspires hope and inspiration for us all.


Susan N. Young, LPC, CEAP




If retirement is indeed “rewiring”, here is a perspective that embraces a new season in life, wrapped in wisdom and joy. Through the lens of Grace, a new purpose and opportunities to contribute your unique gifts can enlarge your life’s journey.

Charlene P. Kammerer, Bishop (retired)
The United Methodist Church


An AMAZING book! It has spoken to me on multiple fronts. I really appreciate the author’s inclusiveness as Eldering as not just a Christian thing, but a human thing. This book, like his first book- The Meandering Way, is authentic and vulnerable and grounded in the paths we all walk day by day. It's wisdom and "realness" has changed me with only one reading. Beyond any doubt, the first reading will lead to many more!

David Janz

Pastor, First UMC, Butler PA

the Art of Graceful Aging

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